Anish Kapoor & the creators of Vantablack for hoarding the material and for generally being rotters.
Dupont for the imprisonment of tech consultant Walter Liew for espionage, after he stole and sold blueprints for their secret titanium white process for over $30million.
T-Mobile & its parent company Deutsche Telekom for claiming magenta as their own and suing small businesses for using it.
Scientists at ISIS Neutron and Muon Source who are in the process of investigating polar bear fur, insect scales and fathers for industrial and commercial applications.
3M for their ownership of Canary Yellow.
Daniel Smith, for buying up the last reserves of quinacridone Gold pigment in the world, so that only they would be able to sell it to artists.
Cows are fairly peaceful animals that naturally live in a herd and have been domesticated for thousands of years (people can get killed by cows, but it's rare).
Bears are huge ferocious animals that typically live solitary lives and will kill you and your entire family while hardly breaking a sweat.
Keeping polar bears "like cows" sounds like some good comedy sketch material.
Could be the spectrum that its tested under. Maybe the 99.6% is visible light and the 98% is all energy from sun. If that's the case, the 98% is much more impressive.