Focus on what you have to offer to companies. Everything else is secondary.
- What's your role? (dev, QA)
- What's your speciality? (python, mobile, etc)
- Are you good at your role and speciality? How can you show so? (I completed this course, read this book, have this portfolio project)
Following supply/demand rules, you will be offered a job when you clearly offer a value proposition that is fits a given company's needs. It's as simple as that.
- What's your role? (dev, QA)
- What's your speciality? (python, mobile, etc)
- Are you good at your role and speciality? How can you show so? (I completed this course, read this book, have this portfolio project)
Following supply/demand rules, you will be offered a job when you clearly offer a value proposition that is fits a given company's needs. It's as simple as that.