>> Are you saying you weren’t familiar with Epic’s case?
> Epic's case is irrelevant to the larger debate at hand. They are not the only ones who want Apple to open up their platform, and not everyone who wants them to cares for third party stores to be "first-class App Store alternatives." You are arguing against a strawman if you insist that Epic's demands be the only metric for debate. Go take it up with Sweeney.
Ok, but this indicates you knew about the case and intentionally lied - it wasn’t just a ‘mistake’ as you claimed earlier.
I don't know of the specifics of Epic's case to that there's this pedantic distinction of "first-class vs. non-first class" third party App Store alternatives. So I suppose I lied about knowing about the case, because I am clearly ignorant of its specifics. Which reinforces my point that Epic is irrelevant to this discussion, because I don't care about the details of what they're arguing for, merely the principle that "Apple should open up and allow third party app stores."
So yes, perhaps I lied, but you are wrong about what lie, because I honestly do not care about Epic to examine their case in detail, merely that they escalated the debate about Apple's openness into the realm of legal scrutiny. If I was wrong in claiming that "no one is arguing for this" and I was wrong because Epic is in fact doing so, and then you accuse me of lying of being aware of the existence of Epic's lawsuit but not of its specifics, then call me a liar for all of the good it does to your position.
>> Are you saying you weren’t familiar with Epic’s case?
> Epic's case is irrelevant to the larger debate at hand. They are not the only ones who want Apple to open up their platform, and not everyone who wants them to cares for third party stores to be "first-class App Store alternatives." You are arguing against a strawman if you insist that Epic's demands be the only metric for debate. Go take it up with Sweeney.
Ok, but this indicates you knew about the case and intentionally lied - it wasn’t just a ‘mistake’ as you claimed earlier.