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That's a very good explanation, thanks. However I'd argue that just because you can express something in a language, doesn't mean it's the optimal way to express it. Any turing complete language can express sum types, but there's something to be said about having explicit features within the language for sum types.

The SQL vs NoSQL debate reminds me of the static types vs dynamic types debate. Static type systems offer a more robust mental model and verification, but at the cost of rigidity and forcing the programmer to think in the type system's mental model. Dynamic types are therefore appealing because they can adapt to the programmer's mental model, even if that model is seriously flawed. One change in philosophy that has helped static type system is the realization that you can design static type systems that while not conceptually pure, get closer to the dynamic mental models. These systems, such as TypeScript or Go, make static types easier to swallow.

I wonder if the same could be said for SQL/relational systems. If you could design a relational system that's a touch more ergonomic, that doesn't require learning a mental model that feels a little foreign, maybe the NoSQL options will be a lot less appealing.

> However I'd argue that just because you can express something in a language, doesn't mean it's the optimal way to express it.

I completely agree, and I may not have driven this point home, but because a relational system lets you have different views of the same data, you can have sum types in one view, while breaking them into relational structures in another view of the same data. We don't get that in SQL DBMSs because SQL isn't really relational.

> If you could design a relational system that's a touch more ergonomic, that doesn't require learning a mental model that feels a little foreign, maybe the NoSQL options will be a lot less appealing.

What's could be ergonomic about a strongly system is that it can guarantee that if I pull a record from the database, it has exactly what types it says it does, so my code knows what it's dealing with. Even if I'm writing something in Python, I don't actually want to do a mess of instanceof checks.

I think what we want is to properly wire a DBMS into build tools. The production system should have everything strictly typed, presenting a clean API to consumers.

Meanwhile, a development branch should let you put whatever you want in there while you're experimenting, and then you lock it down before you promote your code to prod.

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