Should they pay more because they’re black? Of course not!
Because they’re in a group which the actuarial data say costs more in payouts? Why not? Being black should be irrelevant; it should not itself cost a premium nor protect from paying a premium.
So if, say, black males 16-26 are statistically more likely to get into car crash than any other group, it's perfectly legal to make them pay the highest insurance premium, right?
Assuming all other factors are equal (that the crashes are more frequent and equally costly per-crash to the insurance company, etc), then it’s perfectly appropriate to charge any cohort the most if they’re the most expensive cohort to insure. I can’t comment on the legality, as it might be illegal in some places.
Well, following the same logic, should it be legal for a mall to ban entry to all black people, because they have the highest chances of being shoplifters?
(and now we're stepping onto a really slippery slope)