You do not need to have retained a lawyer to say that. You haver a right to remain silent means you have the right to remain silent and not say anything. If you don't have one and still want one, you can get a public defender. It has to be a federal public defender in your district if you are hiring one because federal law enforcement does not handle state law.
The nature of the KGB-style interviews given by federal investigators is that they can be hours long over multiple sessions and you are not allowed by statute to record them. A white shoe caliber law firm will have attorneys record everything that is said manually in notes and keep the client on track to avoid accidental self incrimination. Everyone including super genius multi millionaires and saints who have never so much as received a parking ticket will incriminate themselves in the course of FBI interviews without extreme care being taken to avoid it due to the manipulative nature of the process. When normal people without lawyers self incriminate in the course of these interrogations, the feds then use this as leverage to get cooperation from the interrogation target.
Hence why one should never volunteer to talk to them about anything for any reason including if you are trying to help them to track down your mother's killer (probably especially if they're on that case, because you'll be target #1 for railroading).
The nature of the KGB-style interviews given by federal investigators is that they can be hours long over multiple sessions and you are not allowed by statute to record them. A white shoe caliber law firm will have attorneys record everything that is said manually in notes and keep the client on track to avoid accidental self incrimination. Everyone including super genius multi millionaires and saints who have never so much as received a parking ticket will incriminate themselves in the course of FBI interviews without extreme care being taken to avoid it due to the manipulative nature of the process. When normal people without lawyers self incriminate in the course of these interrogations, the feds then use this as leverage to get cooperation from the interrogation target.
Hence why one should never volunteer to talk to them about anything for any reason including if you are trying to help them to track down your mother's killer (probably especially if they're on that case, because you'll be target #1 for railroading).