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I concur with most of the sentiment here- and am happy to push much blame to big google, pointing out that if you are not in google you basically don't exist on the web - (and for many on the planet if you are not in fbook than you are not on the internet) - when google says google web vitals, speed all that ranks you in the top or you are not in the top and you become invisible - it's a thing.

However I think the global move away from desktop computing to phones, ipads and cheap chromebooks are the real fun killer for great art and design.

I used to love making sites pixel perfect at 1024 - and today if we spend a lot of time making fancy desgins - most people will never see it, since they are checking it out via phone surfing.

This is what I point to for people inquiring about design today - basically it's up to the client to provide the design - what pictures and text do you want to put on the small screen? that's your design.

Even if you put a note on the small screen telling people to visit our Hd/Desktop version for more cool effects they would enjoy - many (most?) people don't even have a way to access a large screen for computing.

Maybe there will be a shift with people casting to TVs and 'smart tvs' browsing better and turn the tide - then we'll need some kind of 'report back framework' to tell us people can see and navigate via the larger view - then we could try to remake flash coolness via html video for the big screen - but then we wouldn't know how close they are to the TV - so how large would navi buttons and pop up text need to be.. meh - back to basic plain stuff.

Personally I think we need better zoom-in controls for browsers that people can easily use and understand - this could give us more flexibility as designers, like the hamburger menu - if you can expect people to know how to use it - not holding my breath though.

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