a year from now, are you actually going to want to test each individual change in a pull request, or are you going to want to test it as an entire unit?
I agree that code review you want smaller units but my experience has been that 1-2 years later, you no longer care about the individual units and instead you want the entire patch/PR all together.
I'm pretty sure you want reasonable meaningful commits. On tiny projects it may not matter, but on larger projects it's definitely a huge benefit, because chances are you'll have to investigate a bug in that code, re-learn why it was done this way, etc. And maybe bisect the git history to find which exact commit caused the issue.
Which is why larger changes are often split into smaller patches that may be applied and tested incrementally. If you just merge the whole pull request as one huge patch / in merge commit, you just lost most of that.
I definitely will want to do that, especially when bisecting a random bug that was introduced with one of the changes in that PR. The smaller the unit of change the better, as long as they are logically separate changes.
I think it's more about: in a year from now will you understand the purpose of a change to some code you're debugging? If the commit says "merged PR 2234", answer is probably not.
I agree that code review you want smaller units but my experience has been that 1-2 years later, you no longer care about the individual units and instead you want the entire patch/PR all together.