I don't know why this bothers people so — I suspect it's similar to some people's surprise at finding out that stand-up comedians rehearse their acts, even the spontaneous-seeming "I'm thinking this up as I stand in front of you" head-scratching pauses, to the nth degree.
This was a public performance for Jobs, of course he'd have thought through and rehearsed what he was going to say. His ability to weave together the rehearsed with the improvised - like when his remote broke on stage at WWDC - is one of the things that took him to the next level. Just like the comic who can handle a heckle and get back to their set in such a smooth way you can't even see the join.
This was a public performance for Jobs, of course he'd have thought through and rehearsed what he was going to say. His ability to weave together the rehearsed with the improvised - like when his remote broke on stage at WWDC - is one of the things that took him to the next level. Just like the comic who can handle a heckle and get back to their set in such a smooth way you can't even see the join.