You could even go back another step and recognize that the person you're replying to has made completely unsubstantiated and fabricated claims about:
1. An increase in violence targeted specifically at Asian people that is in excess of the already-documented rise of violence in general experienced across all groups in 2020.
2. An attribution that this imaginary excess violence is "white supremacist" in nature and intent.
3. A direct causal connection between this imaginary and poorly-attributed violence stemming specifically from the origin of the virus.
It's easier to defend freedom to hypothesize when you realize that the people advocating against said freedom are, themselves, simply making shit up.
1. An increase in violence targeted specifically at Asian people that is in excess of the already-documented rise of violence in general experienced across all groups in 2020.
2. An attribution that this imaginary excess violence is "white supremacist" in nature and intent.
3. A direct causal connection between this imaginary and poorly-attributed violence stemming specifically from the origin of the virus.
It's easier to defend freedom to hypothesize when you realize that the people advocating against said freedom are, themselves, simply making shit up.