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Whois is not a good place for this data. Whois data is typically abused by spam bots (and most people don’t look there), it can’t be easily extended with security-specific info (a link to the encryption key? a link to the full security policy?), it works only for the registered domain (you can’t have different whois for maps.google.com and mail.google.com), and some registries might have policies that make it difficult to fetch WHOIS data (eg. by blocking IPs of cloud providers, or by forcing you to go to a website to see full subscriber information).

If security.txt takes off it will be abused by spam bots also

> it can’t be easily extended with security-specific info

Just put a public key into the address field, for example. More abuse of field names is good because it will keep trip up the bots that use e.g. the address field as a spam mail address or pass it to data brokers.

I'd love to see a data broker say "John Doe lives at === BEGIN PGP KEY === 0xA3243ABC3F... Do you want to dox them? Yes/No" and more spam mailers waste their money attempting to send ad mailers to "=== BEGIN PGP KEY === ..."

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