In case you're getting angry at the downvotes, I can tell you why you're getting them. There are only two lines of content in your comment other than tribal affiliation signal. One of them is a factually obviously false statement ("Just the amount of money and work hours done… to make this… change… could feed all the starving people on the world"); one of them is a question answered in the first paragraph of the article ("What on earth has the name "master" to do with anything?").
> One of them is a factually obviously false statement ("Just the amount of money and work hours done… to make this… change… could feed all the starving people on the world")
Hyperbole for this one thing to be sure, but the amount of money _and_ time spent in total on the Social Justice Industrial Complex over the past few years could probably have terraformed Mars. What a waste.
In case you're getting angry at the downvotes, I can tell you why you're getting them. There are only two lines of content in your comment other than tribal affiliation signal. One of them is a factually obviously false statement ("Just the amount of money and work hours done… to make this… change… could feed all the starving people on the world"); one of them is a question answered in the first paragraph of the article ("What on earth has the name "master" to do with anything?").