By our very own antimatter15[0] who happens to also be 16 years old now. Has also released lots of other cool things for the web like the Ajax Animator[1] and an excellent article[2] on the whole VP8 vs H.264 video wars that clears up a lot of misinformation. His Github[3] is very impressive.
Doesn't seem to include a filename - there's talk of not needing a file system, and while you can save data without a filename, it's harder to load the correct data if you don't know what it is.
Or... could searching be the alternative? And perhaps tagging? Like gmail for docs. If your document includes a title that's unique, then that string is sufficient to identify it. You could also list them all with a very brief preview, if you've not quite sure what you're looking for (browsing).
Worked fine for me. Tested with that same PDF, and with a random JPG, both with gdocs as the target. This extension will be absolutely awesome on my CR-48.
You weren't being downvoted for the grammar — rather for not bothering to click through or at least hover over the link and find out that's not actually on, but rather on a Google Site for antimatter15.