Hello there,
I‘m in a bit of a pinch. I‘m currently part of a team that needs help with C++ development.
My background is around 9 years of iOS / macOS development using ObjC / Swift and a few projects using C#.
In the recent months / years I tried to hone my software-craftsmanship and stay up-to-date on stuff like TDD, functional programming, protocol-oriented-programming, moving away from objects, and so on.
I could help out my team and my employer by diving into C++. However I have some prejudices which I want to sort out:
- I’m hesitant towards C++ as it seems an ancient programming language and I don’t know for how long it will be around.
- I‘m hesistant on investing time into C++ as I don’t know how much acquiring this language as a skill will help me advance my career as a software-developer.
Could you provide some pro/contra arguments?
Best wishes from Southern Germany