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Does everything have to be about money? This is "Hacker" News, not "Monetize Everything" News.

I think you’re reading too far. The comment doesn’t imply that everything it’s about money. It’s only a question about monetizing a library.

I don't think it's a reply to just that comment. Seems like there are about as many articles on here about mediocre SaaSes as cool technical stuff.

Of course, the site was made by a vc, so maybe it really is Monetize Everything News.

What I was alluding to is that one of the first comments on this thread was "how do I make money out of this?" That indicates the priorities of the commenter, if nothing else.

All aspects of life in the US seem to be increasingly money focused, driven, or dictated by. It's not just tech but wherever there is more money to be had, there is more focus on money.

At some point, I wonder if our social and economic system becomes a close enough proxy to darwinistic survival of the fittest through capital ownership that a large enough portion of the population realize they would do better outside this construct rather than inside our societies and will begin to reject the system at large.

Right now we are able to provide stable food, housing, and ERs can't refuse people for medical care but stable housing is in the downturn and Healthcare costs that lead to bankruptcy conditions are on the rise. I feel like we're really testing how low many will go before they reject the system at hand and at what point is that number of people large enough to be critical to the existing system's stability.

At some point the effort for comfortable success may become so high people just abandon it entirely.

It's `https://news.ycombinator.com/` which is owned by a tech accelerator, where profit/growth/money is the key driver.

Certainly not, but it's worth thinking about how developers will get paid to create and maintain useful systems.

How are we to survive then

by switching from a competitive money driven world to a cooperative one.

Great, when does the spaceship launch?

as if a spaceship launching anywhere would change anything

Communism doesn't work.

Maybe, if we could finally get out of the cold war mindset, we might realize that there are more than two black/white options to run a society.

I agree that communism failed, bo capitalism has failed too where it's not tightly regulated by the government to cull its worst tendencies.

Capitalism doesn't work.

Of course it "works", there's been multiple countries run on it and continue to run on it. What you mean to say is you don't like it.

Such as? In which countries did it work?

The communist party was pretty successful in helping to overthrow the Portugese dicatorship in the early '70s, but they were also democrats. They're still one of the major political parties in Portugal, and you see ads for the communist party everywhere.

The Indian state of Kerala is the most advanced, well run, and successful region of the country. On development indexes it ranks with the poorer regions of the EU. It's also largely a communist state, but once again the communists are democrats.

Just to head this off: Sweden isn't Communist or Socialist.

I forgot all those GNU developers are currently in poverty asking for alms in the street...

Landlords don't accept GitHub stars as rent payment, unfortunately. Unless they do in the Bay Area...?

It most certainly is both.

Not when coronavirus is around.

We have voluntarily destroyed lots of economic growth and plunged millions into extreme poverty because of a virus that is not especially bad when compared to historical pandemics.

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