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The article assumes that consciousness is something that results from our brain's behaviour. (The big bang creating reality, and life, and therefore consciousness.) Further, it seems to almost reduce it do a conceptual feeling. (It also implies your consciousness does not exist before your birth and after your death.)

A different view may see the brain as merely a processing, storage, and interaction peripheral device to our consciousness. (With consciousness being either an everlasting fundamental building block of the universe (e.g. God, etc), or consciousness being things in a different non-physical universe with different laws (a mirror copy of our mind that is used to exert spooky action at a distance, etc)).

That is, consciousness may also exist in some form without the physical body, and be a source of physical reality, or exist next to it.

Further, do all living beings actually have one?

This hypothesis fails to Occam's razor.

As opposed to a consciousness existing in the brain that cannot even be explained? Not really.

Consciousness as a fundamental building block of all reality is a very simple solution.

So is consciousness in a symbiotic dual-universe configuration. Yin-yang configurations are quite natural.

Don't confuse a life with consciousness. Memories may only exist in your brain. Consciousness goes two ways. Not only does your consciousness observe your senses, you also make your brain aware that you are observing, that is, your consciousness also gives input to your brain.

If consciousness is a part of the brain, then this becomes merely a stray feedback loop, which is quite unnecessary, and should not be required for life to exist.

If the brain is a (temporary) peripheral to consciousness, and biological life and consciousness enhance each other in a symbiotic configuration, then the interaction of consciousness with the brain makes absolute sense.

The brain by itself is merely reactive. It recognizes learned patterns, it executes learned behaviors, and it learns from all that.

Consciousness observes the brain (and by extension consciousness sees, hears, and feels). The brain reacts on the input of consciousness (and by extension, consciousness makes our body act).

Consciousness as a feedback loop in the brain would only explain self-awareness of the brain. It does not explain the observer (nor debatably free will or conscious choice).

> As opposed to a consciousness existing in the brain that cannot even be explained? Not really.

Brain can not be explained? Which part specifically are you referring to?

Reading comprehension.

No point in discussing deeper.

What exactly is unexplainable about brain's reading comprehensible?

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