I don’t know about Rails specifically but I was able to create my own custom asset pipeline for Roda framework using the latest version of Snowpack. I’m assuming it would be no different for Deno.
It's a really good/barebones Roda project that uses webpack for assets/js pipeline and Tailwind CSS for UI. My methodology was:
1) clone the project
2) then swap out webpack for Snowpack
I was able to do that within 1 day and honestly, it was well worth the effort due to the amount of knowledge that come with it. Snowpack is much much faster and efficient in terms of resources vs webpack. The newest version, Snowpack3, uses esbuild internally which basically puts it on steroids. Good luck!
FYI, in my dev stack, I'm running Puma server, Sidekiq worker, Snowpack dev server and Guard for live reload capabilities. I'm using Foreman to startup all 4 things using a Procfile and my startup time clocks in at 2.85s from issuing "foreman start". I hope this helps!