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The amount of worthwhile short games and art created with ZZT in the past has always made me feel rather astonished. That people are still making new, high-quality productions in it in the present - even moreso.

By the way - If you're a ZZT (or MegaZeux!) user from the 90s/early 00s and still have archives from that period of any kind - that is world collections, etc. - we'd love to hear more! A common misconception is that we have preserved almost all ZZT worlds ever released to the public. Unfortunately, that's not true; while it's getting better thanks to modern efforts (with hundreds of previously unknown worlds archived in the past two-three years), archives especially from the BBS and AOL-centric eras (1991-1998) remain particularly spotty.

I remember places like Zeuxworld would try to archive everything (even before DigitalMZX came around) and was impressed with the size of their library. But then I'd stumble on personal websites on places like Geocities or Angelfire where people would post their ZZT and MegaZeux worlds. The worlds on these personal sites weren't in any of the archives. I wouldn't be surprised if there were still a handful of these on the web alone. Who knows how many old hard drives out there still hold rare games and engines

For the past 2-3 years, I've been working on archiving many of these games made by the ZZT and MegaZeux communities. I do have to say, though, that the DigitalMZX administrators have already been making attempts to keep track of and locate known lost games for over a decade. As always, however, more hard drive backups and other sources would certainly help find and preserve more works!

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