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I agree with other commenters. And I think another part of the problem is the consumer model of software. In a pen and paper system if there was some reason why a record was special or different from the others, you could just attach a note to it and the next person who picked up the record could read your note. Custom software systems deny that sort of ad-hoc flexibility from the people using them. There’s no way to do anything that wasn’t planned for and programmed in. So office workers who use flows managed by custom software are actively disempowered from authorship over their own workflows.

That’s one of the reasons I think Excel (and tools like Notion) are so popular - the people on the ground can learn to express themselves in the full context of the tools. I think this sort of software is far more important than we give it credit for. (It’s an invisible problem to us, because we can change the software.)

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