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> What is missing is some of the popular patterns that emerged in the last few years

Erlang has had these "popular patterns" for decades. And all languages that ignore them, making devs reimplement them, poorly, with third-party libs and ad-hoc solutions.

It has been said that Go4 software design patterns are signs of language defects.

Most all of them can be implemented as single lines of code in Python.

Most languages codify common idioms from earlier ones; I don’t see how most of the patterns are any different.

I’m sure there were a lot of assembly programs that used the “call stack pattern”. I’m sure there are a lot of C programs that abuse struct packing to do inheritance (the “class pattern”, sometimes with crappy vtables) or the preprocessor to do “templates”. And even in Python, you’ve got to use the visitor pattern due to single dispatch.

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