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I think Go can only be defined as "simple" in the New Jersey (worse is better) sense of simple, that is: "it is more important for the implementation to be simple than the interface."

A lot of things about Go are not simple. In my opinion a simple language is not about how simple it is to write a parser or a compiler for that language, but it's about how many different non-trivial and arbitrary pieces of information the developer has to memorize.

This is highly tied to the Principle of Least Astonishment[1] in language design: how many unexpected surprises does the programmer have to deal with?

With Go, you get quite a lot:

1. Go already has generic types. These are the magical maps, slices and channels. Everything else is not.

2. Even if you think #1 was also true for Arrays in Java 1.4 and no one was complaining, Go goes further: it already has generic functions like 'copy', 'len', 'min' and 'append'. Since you cannot properly describe the interface of a magic built-in function like 'append' using the Go language itself, this is not a standard library function, but should be viewed as an entirely new piece of custom syntax, like the print statement in Python 2.x.

3. Nil interfaces and interfaces with a nil pointer are not equal.

4. Multiple return values are a magical beast - they are not tuples and you cannot manipulate them in any useful way.

5. Channel axioms[2]. Possibly one of the more astonishing and painful aspects of Go.

5. Slices are mutable, unless you copy them. This can lead to some very surprising cases where a slice is passed down many layers below and then modified, breaking the caller.

6. Continuing the topic above, Go has neither clear data ownership rules (like Rust), clear documentation tradition on who owns the data passed to functions (like C/C++) nor a way to enforce immutability/constness (like C++, Rust or FP languages). This really pushes a lot of the cognitive overload to the developer.

7. Go modules are a lot better than what we had before, but are quite hard to deal with. The moment you need to move to v2 and above and start creating subdirectories they becomes rather confusing compared to what you would do in other package management system.

8. If a simple language is a language that allows you to write _simple programs_, and you follow Rich Hickey's classic definition of Simple[3], then Go is probably one of the LEAST simple languages available today.

tl;dr: I'm not saying other languages often compared to Go (like Rust or Java) don't have their own share of complexities, but I don't think Go should be viewed as a simple language in the broadest sense. It is a language with a rather simple implementation for our day and age (though Pascal was much simpler if we stretch this definition backwards).

[1] https://wiki.c2.com/?PrincipleOfLeastAstonishment [2] https://dave.cheney.net/2014/03/19/channel-axioms [3] https://www.infoq.com/presentations/Simple-Made-Easy/

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