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Delegating prosecution of possible hate speech to commercial entities was always going to be bad.

Youtube is essentially a public forum with audience of entire countries, where the people who run it choose what gets amplified, what gets shunned and what get outright blocked.

Who would be happy with a private entity deciding the future mindsets at this scale?

That is it exactly what I’ve been saying about twitterführer Dorsey ever since he blocked the NY Post. Though in his case he went so overboard with banning and blocking everyone with a viewpoint he didn’t agree with that he made all the other world leaders take notice and be concerned that they could get blocked just as easily. I expect that after the next G7 summit we will start to see the social media companies broken up and/or regulated, or countries may just bleed them with fines to enable new players to get a foothold.

We're at the point where social network companies can break up countries, not vice versa.

Some related fiction (or is it?) https://slatestarcodex.com/2018/10/30/sort-by-controversial/

>Who would be happy with a private entity deciding the future mindsets at this scale?

The people who own the private entities (and those with close connections to them).

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