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For example, while we get tons of “extreme weather events” nobody was talking about 20-30 years ago, sea level rise that was announced very loudly and widely, is actually going to be relatively minor: in IPCC report, even in their most catastrophic RCP8.5 scenario, they scientific consensus is that the sea level are highly unlikely to rise by more than a meter by 2100; that’s less than a difference between low and high tide.

You say that as if a meter will not have catastrophic impact on the world. Pacific island nation states, and sea level rise of a meter + a major cyclone hitting Bangladesh could set an all time casualty record for a single weather disaster. Even if it's half a meter average rise and not a full meter.

It could, if people just sit on their thumbs and do nothing about the issue. However, this is relatively easy problem to solve from engineering perspective: the Dutch have successfully implemented solutions hundreds of years ago already, before most of modern technology had been invented.

Really, out of all ways the climate change will negatively impact the world, sea level rise in the amount we are actually going to observe it is really rather minor problem.

The Dutch wouldn't still be there if they were in a Karst region.

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