I wasn't very articulate there, but by a procedural or workflow aspect I mean something like: the workflow will lead you through a series of actions that will make it physically impossible or unlikely to [do the dangerous thing]. This is different than [system can't do the dangerous thing]. It's also different, and safer, than relying on user actions outside your control.
Example: I have a mechanical system moving fast with enough mass to hurt the operator, so I put the control on the other side of the machine (i.e. machine body between person and the dangerous part), and require the operator to hold a switch "on" for the entire time the machine is moving.
This doesn't make it impossible for the machine to hurt the operator, of course, but it makes it a lot less likely - and it doesn't rely on training at all.
While you can also rely on training aspects like you describe (a good idea!) it's not the same thing.
I don't know aircraft, so I don't know if there is something equivalent but I wouldn't be surprised. Anything you simply have to do with two hands on disparate controls?
My “gear before flaps” is an example of just such a workflow. If I always do that, it’s extremely hard to get the airplane anywhere near the runway without realizing something’s wrong. (Both the gear and the flaps add considerable drag, helping the airplane go down and/or slow down.)
The only thing that I can think of that directly work this way are some of the gust locks (to prevent control surfaces from banging about in the wind while parked) are required to be designed so the airplane can’t be started and taxied out with them in place. (That’s arguably a poka-yoke as much as a procedure, but probably still fits.) Mine simultaneously locks the yoke and has a plastic flag that blocks the starter switch when installed.
If the airplane offered a mechanism to inhibit flap operation unless the gear was down and locked (a poka-yoke enforcement of my procedure), I’d decline it/argue against it. In the event of a gear failure or a forced water landing, I want to have the flaps without the gear being safe and, especially for water, I don’t want to have to look up the abnormal/emergency flap extension without gear in a QRH while doing everything else needed while descending for a forced landing.
Example: I have a mechanical system moving fast with enough mass to hurt the operator, so I put the control on the other side of the machine (i.e. machine body between person and the dangerous part), and require the operator to hold a switch "on" for the entire time the machine is moving.
This doesn't make it impossible for the machine to hurt the operator, of course, but it makes it a lot less likely - and it doesn't rely on training at all.
While you can also rely on training aspects like you describe (a good idea!) it's not the same thing.
I don't know aircraft, so I don't know if there is something equivalent but I wouldn't be surprised. Anything you simply have to do with two hands on disparate controls?