Vertical farming will almost certainly not generate the mass of calories to feed the world. But that doesn't mean it cannot be useful. Many vegetables are already grown under very controlled conditions and it doesn't take much fantasy to consider, e.g., tomatoes from a nearby vertical farm more environmentally friendly than their counterparts grown in some remote sunny place.
But of course, logistics might get cheaper as well with clean energy, so it's not guaranteed, either.
Why can't large grocery stores be built taller to grow vegetables horiz/vertical airoponically on an upper level? No need to raise disgusting "pretty" vegetables that are picked green, artificially-ripened, and driven thousands of miles.
Oh they certainly can. But they have to compete against huge greenhouse complexes. So basically you are trading logistics vs. economics of scale. I don't know who would win in every case.
But of course, logistics might get cheaper as well with clean energy, so it's not guaranteed, either.