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JPL Engineer here, any questions I could convey to the slack I'll be glad to feed back to HN

"Slack" is actually the answer to one of the questions I was going to ask, about internal communication!

Hmm, another: Given that it's roughly a decade since MSL Curiosity, what were y'all (Perseverance team members) doing when Curiosity launched and landed? How many of today's team were in school back then, or what's the generational turnover and overlap like?

What's everyone's "favorite" failed Mars mission that would've changed everything if it'd succeeded?

How much overlap is there now that two similar yet 10 years different rovers are in operation ? Is it possible to share some of the human/software/planning resources or are they basically two separate efforts by this points ?

Also, do the Rover Drivers still live on the Mars time that makes their working hours shift by 45 minutes every day, like in the good old MER days ? ;-)

Awesome achievement! What was the part of the mission you were most concerned about / most likely to go wrong?

Awesome stuff.

I couldn't help but wonder, while I watched the feed: What are the people in mission control doing during the landing?

Obviously they're monitoring telemetry - but what else? Presumably the time delay precludes them triggering anything critical manually, and making post-launch software changes would be frowned upon?

Any idea on the timeframe for unfurling the robotic arm? And doing the test drive?

Thanks for your efforts towards the fantastic result today.

I just want to thank you all for the wonderful time tonight, we’ve been watching with the family. Amazing accomplishment!


Will this rover make contact with its forebears at some point?

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