The parent's point, and I don't know if it's well-founded or not (and consequently I'm not endorsing it, only clarifying), is that adding more waste doesn't seem to worsen the problem.
As an aside, if you must snark, it's best to do it when you're following the thread of the conversation.
I did not state that HN is turning into Reddit. HN is not turning into reddit. The culture of HN has been damaged, however, by the lack of acculturation of last years influx.
Quoting the guidelines is not "throwing them at" other users. Please read the words actually written.
Setting aside the fact that I ignored the guidelines because I felt that a downvote for the post I was replying to wasn’t sufficient disagreement for a) how wrong it was and b) how it ignored the point, what’s a C19 redditor?
I did a quick Google search and only came up with the C19 core magic set.
Also you could check my profile and see that I’ve been posting on HN since 2012.
As an aside, if you must snark, it's best to do it when you're following the thread of the conversation.