A lot of people seem to be misunderstanding the goals of vertical farming. It’s not to save space, we have more than enough of that. It’s to stop produce from being shipped hundreds of miles on trucks which greatly increases greenhouse emissions and results in less fresh produce.
Transportation is the biggest emitter of greenhouse gases in our food’s supply chain. When you hear about beef having such a big carbon footprint it’s also accounting for the massive footprint of transporting all that beef as well as it’s food. If you can cut that down you would be greatly reducing the carbon footprint of your food.
That's an uphill battle. Been mostly solved - truck and train transport is pretty cheap per item. They're refrigerated and probably spend less time in the truck, than in the store and your fridge.
Bit Ag is ... BIG. We're not gonna beat it at scale with a few pods on the balcony. Better find a different reason.
So wouldn't urban agriculture be a "wiser" more "open access" way forward?https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urban_agriculture
I enjoy the idea of mixed companion planting combined with a pick and pay system ....we could even do it labyrinth style :-)
Transportation is the biggest emitter of greenhouse gases in our food’s supply chain. When you hear about beef having such a big carbon footprint it’s also accounting for the massive footprint of transporting all that beef as well as it’s food. If you can cut that down you would be greatly reducing the carbon footprint of your food.