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They have completely disabled issues on that repository. Wow I used to really like Signal...

And it seems they've fixed the issue, without any kind of public comment.... still not great: https://github.com/signalapp/Signal-TLS-Proxy/commit/39a97da...

I (partially) fixed this issue, and I'm not affiliated in any way with Signal. It's public (https://github.com/signalapp/Signal-TLS-Proxy/pull/2), and it looks like they welcome contributions, because they merged mine.

Wouldn't it be saner to also verify the downloaded archive hash? It looks like the domain resolving of nginx.org is trusted without doubt.

Sure! I also opened another PR to check the archive signature: https://github.com/signalapp/Signal-TLS-Proxy/pull/10

Sorry for not noticing your PR before filing the bug.

I still find the way they (partially) dealt with this a bit worrisome.

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