The problem with a native vim window is that it doesn't give you much affordance in terms of UI, you can't collapse files that have a lot of matches, hard to remember options and syntax for regex/case sensitivity, etc.
The collapsing sounds like a valid complaint. The rest falls on deaf ears for this vim user.
I would expect most vim users to feel the same since those complaints are either considered features or the common barrier to entry that vim has anyway. Am I wrong?
You can consider it a matter of preference, I suppose. I prefer having a GUI file browser over NERDTree for similar reasons as I outlined before. VimAck has the same line of thinking behind it.
I have ack.vim installed, but I frequently open the project in TextMate to search with TM's AckMate bundle. Project search one of the last things with Vim that I haven't had a good solution to.
ack.vim works, but it blocks vim so you can't do anything while it's working, and also the quickfix window is not ideal for a lot of uses.
This looks nice, but I prefer the functionality provided in vim. In your .vimrc, you can set grepprg to ack, grep, or (my favorite super fast search) git grep. Then if you want to display the results just type ":copen".
Well, the reason I built this is that it's much nicer to browse the results IMO. You can collapse files, you get bolded fonts, you get different colors, and much better use of whitespace. It's also easier to define options like regex and case-sensitivity vs. having to remember the flags in the command.
The benefit is one of UI/UX, it doesn't actually perform an action you couldn't perform text-only.
That is pretty nice, although I found myself using 'git grep' even with Textmate (before I switched to vim) because it was much faster than TM's Find in Project.
That is true, but we don't have something like this peep open style, with a nice mac feel to it. Or am I missing one? I like this polished style instead of a fully integrated version in emacs.
Yes, but features like ackMate, projectDrawer and visual style make me use Textmate quite a lot (for Ruby dev), which is a pitty because I'm used to my emacs shortcuts. I know most (all?) features are implemented in Emacs, but often in a more spartan way.
Trust me, I have been tinkering a lot with Emacs lisp, and I really miss some nice visual features. Spend some time tinkering with Textmate and see what I mean ;)
I am all for leaving the mouse alone and efficiency, but working on a mac makes me a sucker for eye candy as well. Take for instance again peep open, which is in my opinion a nicely styled plugin, for which I would love to see a 'find in project' equivalent.
I am an experienced TextMate user, and when I went back to using Emacs after a hiatus with TextMate, one of the first things I did was import everything I liked about TextMate into Emacs.
Instead of telling me it exists, please show me a visually appealing 'find in project' plugin/package. Which got this whole discussion started in the first place...