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Do you have any tricks to design CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements so the SQLite file has the best layout (proximity of data) ?

The best approach I can think of is to have 1 very small table that is just scene_id + asset_id, and then 1 very humongous table that is asset_id+blob.

You could further optimize by profiling access patterns during QA testing. There wouldnt be 1 global ideal ordering of assets if you had multiple scenes involved using varying subsets, but you could certainly group the most commonly used together using some implicit insert ordering during creation. This would help to minimize the total number of filesystem block accesses you require.

I think one other important IO trick is to make sure you vacuum the sqlite database before you publish it for use. Presumably, these should be read-only once authored in this context of usage. This will clear out empty pages and de-fragment the overall file.

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