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> you need legal counsel to confirm your definition is compatible with the definition within this particular legislation

Why bother, I would rather sacrifice operating in the entire UK than degrade the experience across the entire userbase. I would not be surprised if many other people made the same decision.

> I'm sorry you feel this way about the right of your site visitors' privacy. It's a great shame you don't seem willing to respect that.

Your condescending tone is noted and unappreciated. I would like to clarify that I am specifically speaking about tracking usage of the site for purposes of conversion optimization and usability improvements. I strongly disagree with your assumption of a reasonable right to privacy when you are using my website. If you choose to use my site what gives you the right to preclude me from tracking what you are doing on my website.

> I strongly disagree with your assumption of a reasonable right to privacy when you are using my website.

You're pretty much at an irreconcilable position with UK/EU legislation with this firm stance. Based on that, your preferred approach of sacrificing operations in the entire UK is a logical avenue for you.

Keep in mind the longer-term implications of that if other countries decide to adopt a visitor privacy-centric approach. The growing concerns about online privacy isn't showing much sign of dampening, so it's a risk you need to evaluate appropriately, and take the path that's best for your operation

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