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Take a piece of assembly code generated by a compiler and try to optimize it. You'll see that you don't actually need to be that smart to obtain a significant perf improvement.

Compilers are good, but they must ensure correctness for any source code. On the other hand, you now exactly what you need thus you can drastically simplify / optimize the assembly code.

As someone who writes assembly, I think this is overstating the case. There are a lot of algorithms (particularly short ones) where good C compilers generate nearly optimal code that you would be hard-pressed to improve on.

In my experience the benefit you get from writing assembly comes largely from your ability to do better register allocation for your fast-paths, in cases where your compiler would spill registers to the stack.

There are cases where the compiler does something that is genuinely stupid (http://blog.reverberate.org/2011/03/19/when-a-compilers-slow...) but in modern compilers these are pretty rare.

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