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Enforcement has been delayed by a year. See, e.g., http://media.cbronline.com/news/ico-tins-cookie-law-till-nex...

Previously on HN:

1. Stupid EU cookie law will hand the advantage to the US - http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=2304341 2. Europe's war on cookies http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=2535837

The discussions here on HN were more useful, I think, that the linked stories.

ICO is literally a mile from house. Might pop round with some cookies.... a present for crippling UK industry.

Its not like where running behind already. Lets just nail that coffin fully shut.

Be sure that they're made aware of what's in your cookies, and have given full consent to receiving them.

yeah, they might arrest you for 90 days and figure out if they are spiked with poison or something. I'd suggest not doing it ;p

Be friendly when you deliver the cookies: the ICO is trying to do its best with vague legislation - they don't get to decide how the courts will interpret the legislation.

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