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Genuine Question: Can anyone give an example of something useful that has been done with this OS, or is planned for the very near future?

you can run Redis on it or any other simple single-threaded server

I doubt that since the OS doesn't support even TCP/IP, any kind of filesystem or even POSIX APIs. It'd be hard to even port Redis to it, let alone get anything useful done in absence of TCP/IP

I wonder how hard it would be to port redis and how it performance would compare.

I don't have a link, but something similar was done with custom kernels with Redis compiled to run native above Xen - the performance gain was only ~ 13% - so in this case it didn't worth the trouble.

But if you a large HPC cluster, getting 13% more of each compute node definitely worth the trouble.

EDITED: see link in child's post

Not EC2, but is this what you are thinking about?… http://openfoo.org/blog/redis-native-xen.html

That's interesting, though I think my takeaway was that the "performance tax" of the operating system layer is pretty minor, all things considered.

Thanks for the replies!

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