I use Post-it notes for the "personal day-level" tasks, littered around my desk. The idea being that the task is now literally cluttering up my desk, which triggers a cleanliness anxiety to help motivate the completion of the task.
If I fucked up and the task is important or I do want to track it over a longer period, I'll either copy it into Notion, or stick it into my notebook directly, where it lives forever.
That’s a great approach! It reminds me of a similar approach I did when I still commuted to work: putting the sticky notes directly on the laptop.
At the end of the day, I’d put the laptop in my backpack, and the sticky notes would get crumpled, so I would have to write new ones for the following day. It didn’t work as well, though, because I’d occasionally lose sticky notes, and forget what I did yesterday.
If I fucked up and the task is important or I do want to track it over a longer period, I'll either copy it into Notion, or stick it into my notebook directly, where it lives forever.