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Gab scaling up to handle influx of 600k new users in a day (gab.com)
2 points by colesantiago on Jan 13, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

Servers are still being hit with the influx of users so here's the text from @fosco[1] Gab's CTO:

> What a day! We were struggling all day, while deploying 10 new servers, scaling up our database, and optimizing various features...

> Even with that, 600k new users managed to sign up. As of 3am, the site is running pretty good. Tomorrow we keep scaling. Welcome to all the new gabbers!

Keep in mind they're using their own servers and not the big cloud providers ones.

[1] Fosco Marotto previously worked at Facebook where he built the Parse Server.

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