"Minua voi tukea tämän linkin kautta"
"Lahjoita minulle tämän linkin kautta"
All are acceptable.
And since "lahjoita" is entirely equal to "support" then also
"Tue minua tämän linkin kautta" is entirely fine.
Of course the Finnish justice system is known for being unjust and arbitrary in many cases so your mileage may vary.
"Minua voi tukea tämän linkin kautta"
"Lahjoita minulle tämän linkin kautta"
All are acceptable.
And since "lahjoita" is entirely equal to "support" then also
"Tue minua tämän linkin kautta" is entirely fine.
Of course the Finnish justice system is known for being unjust and arbitrary in many cases so your mileage may vary.