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Id Software's John Carmack and Marty Stratton Talk Quake Live (shacknews.com)
15 points by nadim on July 25, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

They spend a lot of wordage to cover it up, but when asked about mods he pretty much says "No." That is disappointing.

Whether or not it gets put in, I liked Carmack's idea of centralizing the mods and letting users vote on the best.

That would be great because it would ensure the must-have mods like Rocket Arena get in, but not let every-mod-and-his-brother fragment the neat community they have going.

I can't tell from the article, but is the actual game engine being run from the browser? If so I wonder what tech they are using. btw - this looks incredibly addicting

I believe quake live makes you install a browser plug-in that's basically the game engine.

This is correct. It installs a browser plug-in which is the engine.


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