I actually went the other way from Octave to scipy, numpy and matplotlib. This really long ago though - around 2007. As a programmer moving into quants needing to process huge amounts of data python/matplotlib seemed a much better fit for me. It also enabled me to run multiprocess number crunching on my 8-core desktop at home. Octave would be able to use just 1 core, I could code the python scripts to use all 8.
Octave was really good to prototype and enabled me to get somethings done really quick. But once I got to know the python libraries better it just seemed easier. I could do all my data processing and quants in a single language.
I'm sure much has changed and was actually quite sad when the original author of Octave (John Eaton) mentioned in 2017 that he was unable to maintain it.
I've lost touch on Octave over the years and genuinely pleased to see that it is still being actively maintained. I think its time for me to see what I've missed in the past 13 years.
Octave was really good to prototype and enabled me to get somethings done really quick. But once I got to know the python libraries better it just seemed easier. I could do all my data processing and quants in a single language.
I'm sure much has changed and was actually quite sad when the original author of Octave (John Eaton) mentioned in 2017 that he was unable to maintain it.
I've lost touch on Octave over the years and genuinely pleased to see that it is still being actively maintained. I think its time for me to see what I've missed in the past 13 years.