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Interesting. For me, MDMA comeup is 45 minutes of restlessness and agitation. I'm not sure how I would be able to tolerate that if I'm already at a point where a medical intervention is needed to calm me down. Though the actual effects of MDMA would be wonderful for processing the difficult emotions, I agree.

What's the environment/setting? Who were you with? What dose? Most people hit peak from a dose between 70-90 minutes. How were you onboarded, what was told to you about how to deal with "restlessness and agitation"/anxiety or if anything came up for it that felt hard/difficult for you? Also are you 100% sure it was just MDMA and not something that may have been mixed with something like meth/speed, etc - e.g. was it tested?

The restlessness and agitation you're speaking of is often why people go dancing as when taking it primarily for recreational purposes, as it can have therapeutic effect as well; it can release energy that you need to do something with.

My experiences have been either alone or with good friends at home settings, in a small intimate club with pleasurable company, and at a rave with lots of unknown people. Always with proper spacing between experiences (usually a year).

Doses between 60 and 100 mg of crystal that I have tested with Marquis reagent to be MDMA, as accurate as that test can be (there's no substance testing available for public in my country).

I had read beforehand that the comeup can feel uncomfortable especially right before the full effect hits. During my first experience I was kind of surprised how restless and annoyed I became at everything and I attributed it to not being able to be alone (I'm an introvert). On subsequent experiences alone I have come to realize that it's just part of the comeup for me and now I know to just ride it out. I read somewhere that MDMA triggers the release of norepinephrine which would make sense. One of my friends also commented that during comeup he too gets quite annoyed, to the point of ready to fight someone.

Basing on my experiences, the long comeup and the additional agitation is why I find it surprising to recommend MDMA for psychedelic crises. A benzodiazepine like Xanax has a quick onset of action and calms people down which makes more sense to me for these kinds of situations.

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