Modern US Society is losing alot of things that used to be a foundation. Privacy is one of them.
In general people today agree with the "if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear" rhetoric, generally accepting that "only bad people" want or desire privacy, and the government is only their to "protect good people from bad people"
It is all a lie ofcourse but that is where we are as a society, and I am not seeing anything on the horizon to change this
Largely we (the US) are moving to a more Authoritarian, collectivist society, leaving behind our Individualist libertarian roots
Modern US Society is losing alot of things that used to be a foundation. Privacy is one of them.
In general people today agree with the "if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear" rhetoric, generally accepting that "only bad people" want or desire privacy, and the government is only their to "protect good people from bad people"
It is all a lie ofcourse but that is where we are as a society, and I am not seeing anything on the horizon to change this
Largely we (the US) are moving to a more Authoritarian, collectivist society, leaving behind our Individualist libertarian roots