In the case of Confluence specifically, it makes the cost of experimentation a lot steeper.
Confluence's WYSIWYG editor will often make changes that can't be reversed with "undo" -- especially those involving indentation. Copy-paste frequently screws up its formatting as well.
So if you don't want to risk losing lots of work, you have to make many smaller changes. With each change taking a few seconds, it adds up quickly.
If it was markdown or some extended set of it, that wouldn't be a problem.
We're trying to collect and fix such occurrences, so if you have something with specific repro steps please send them to me and I'll make sure they get to the right team.
The WYSIWYG editor makes it extremely difficult to give repro steps because formatting information is hidden from the user and is not perfectly preserved during copy-paste.
More generally, the issues I see reported only ever seem to be fixed in the Cloud version. I currently have to use the Data Center version.
Why go through the trouble of reporting an issue I'll never see fixed involving a feature that I loathe using?
> More generally, the issues I see reported only ever seem to be fixed in the Cloud version. I currently have to use the Data Center version.
> Why go through the trouble of reporting an issue I'll never see fixed involving a feature that I loathe using?
I find the same issue with Nessus Professional. They too are trying to funnel everyone into using (SaaS nessus scanner). And they also are very resistant in doing much of any changes (other than removing the API) from their onprem solution. But keeps getting regular updates.
Worse yet, when you talk to anybody there, the first thing is "Why arent you using ?" My response every time is, "Has it been fedramped YET?".. Of course it hasn't. Not entirely sure they even plan on doing that.
For maintaining data integrity and preserving a secure environment, these companies are demanding that we open our networks and store our critical data somewhere we really don't have access to.
Editing an existing page is more perilous. I sometimes write out my changes in plaintext first, and then paste and format it into the doc piece by piece. Even that can get janky, though.
It's like Confluence is punishing my attempts to write documentation.
Not GP, but I'd say because it's heavy, and if you didn't have to use it (as there are alternative methods) then you don't pay the performance penalty.
Don't know if that's what OP was thinking, but a WYSIWYG editor is normally slower than a plaintext editor, so it could make the product more bearable.