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Bought it on Kindle based on the strength of the passages she quotes in the article. It is not as strong as I hoped, but it’s definitely entertaining. She verbizes nouns more than I would like, and doesn’t really use guy slang the way guys do. I feel a little condescended to in the translation, but it’s still good strong reading. Easily worth $10, that’s for sure.

> Verbizes

Is there a name for words like this, which are themselves examples of what they denote?

Autological words, like pentasyllabic.



You may also find the following interesting:

List of such words: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Appendix:English_autological_...

The antonym, heterological, produces a nice Russell-type paradox: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grelling%E2%80%93Nelson_para...

This just crazes the language, IIRC.

Verbing weirds.

Everyone knows the proper conjunction is verbify and verbifies anyway.

"She verbs nouns" would be a more appropriate complaint, although English has always welcomed the practice. Nouning verbs, likewise.

Latin grammar makes a poor fit, but we shoehorn our English into it as best we can because if Latin isn't always exactly right, what could ever be?

Vedic grammarians were always more rigorous than Latinists, but it is doubtful that a Sanskrit grammar would fit English better.

Damn should've known I was doing it wrong.

All I know is dang noticed and now I can die happy

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