Mr. Foreman, who stared down financial collapse as an adult despite a troubled, impoverished childhood, said he knew real wealth when he saw it. “If you’re confident, you’re wealthy,” he says. “I’ve seen guys who work on a ship channel and they get to a certain point and they’re confident. You can look in their faces, they’re longshoremen, and they have this confidence about them...I’ve seen a lot of guys with millions and they don’t have any confidence,” he says. “So they’re not wealthy.”
I like your categorisation of wedding photographers under "fear" - thats exactly what it is. I know from experience, your wedding photos will only serve as a source of embarrasment for many many years in the future. they only real value is for future generations to have a chuckle.
1. Fear: Wedding photographers, pilots, longshoremen & orthodontists
2. Creaming a little from a lot: Skycaps, real estate agents, mutual-fund managers
3. Scarcity: lecture circuit
4. Legacy: longshoremen, old CEOs & athletes