What is the vision for Rocky Linux?
A solid, stable, and transparent alternative for production environments, developed by the community for the community.
Hence the name Rocky Linux, I suppose? Solid as a rock.
Although I'll be inclined to think of it as series of movies. Perhaps even split wood before installing Rocky 5?
"Thinking back to early CentOS days... My cofounder was Rocky McGaugh. He is no longer with us, so as a H/T to him, who never got to see the success that CentOS came to be, I introduce to you...Rocky Linux"
Hmm, to me, "rock" has connotations of "solid", but that ending "y" changes the the connotations completely - "rocky" makes me think of uncertainty, risk and peril.
As others have pointed out, the name is a tribute to a late CentOS cofounder Rocky McGaugh. It would be sad if it had to be changed. We should perhaps emphasize the CentOS lineage in the name instead.
Although I'll be inclined to think of it as series of movies. Perhaps even split wood before installing Rocky 5?