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Thomas Seyfried- Cancer as a Metabolic Disease: Implications for Novel Therapies (youtube.com)
15 points by shadykiller on Dec 13, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

I have a friend who had a long standing problem with inflammation which later developed into cancer. As an old film-maker, he documented his own personal journey, and ended up choosing to try Seyfrieds approach (press-push). His disease was an aggressive one and he was given no hope of recovery by his doctors. He is now the first case documented to recover fully from this type of cancer. In his film he travels to talk to Seyfried to both thank him for his research and interview him for his film.

I think Seyfried's research eventually will change our approach to understanding and treating cancer, but it is an uphill battle. His research is good and his scientific approach and results are hard to write off as "alternative medicine" — but vested interests in the regular paradigm and treatments makes change a slow process.

Is this film available for viewing (free or paid)?

It is only avaliable in Norwegian at the moment, but I think he wants to make an English version too: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/207515

The format makes it seem slightly shady, though that probably can't be helped. Asking for funding again makes it fit with scams, but no pharma company would research or even admit diet as a potential cure for a cash-cow disease. I'd call it very interesting .. though inconclusive on validity without further information.

I would love to read a first-basis rebuttal of the theory or the nucleus swapping experiment. If they are not faked or somehow wrong, it seems like conclusive evidence, that the theory has significant merit.

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