This was a little bit disappointing for me to be honest, as someone who loves the language and runs Clojure teams. Obviously not aimed at the hardcore Clojure crowd but still I hoped for more on the actual future. There was a mention of more resources with no specifics and reassuring comments on things not fundamentally changing as before [as in earlier announcements].
Things I'd ask:
- What are the new resources (for Clojure? or just Datomic?), how are they being used? Does Nubank have opinions / direction on these resources.
- Has an open sourced Datomic been discussed? It wouldn't seem to be strategic for Nubank and could be a big boost to the Clojure ecosystem. I'd read every line..
- Who owns the Clojure trademarks and IP going forward. Any talk of a Clojure Foundation?
- Alex Miller does an awesome job but boy he has a lot to cover. It suits Rich to have a small team of trustees for core (though boy its got small) but the community stuff could surely be advanced quicker. Old tickets in contrib and key libs etc..
- Clojurescript has left Core. Is Nubank likely to want to get involved here?
I have no right to these answers, some may be commercially sensitive and of course Clojure doesn't belong to me. However there is no harm in asking when answers to the questions are important to me in my future uses of Clojure. Indeed I think it would be superior - in terms of Clojure's continued acceptance into industry - to know more of it's future direction than has traditionally been the case. Hopefully Nubank provides the confidence needed for this to happen.
> What are the new resources (for Clojure? or just Datomic?), how are they being used? Does Nubank have opinions / direction on these resources.
Since Cognitect joined Nubank, several people have joined the Datomic team, both new hires and internal moves from Nubank and the rate of development has increased. We are also looking at expanding the Clojure team in the near future.
> Has an open sourced Datomic been discussed?
No changes planned.
> Who owns the Clojure trademarks and IP going forward. Any talk of a Clojure Foundation?
Clojure was and is an independent project and Rich Hickey is a joint owner (along with contributors) to the Clojure copyrights. From Rich's announcement on the Clojure mailing list: "Clojure remains independent, and development and stewardship will continue as it has, with more resources and a much larger sponsoring organization in Nubank."
> Alex Miller does an awesome job but boy he has a lot to cover.
Thanks and indeed! As above, we are likely to expand the Clojure team in the future.
> There was talk a few years ago of facilitating community involvement with a PEP type process
We created as a way for Clojure users to discuss problems important for them and to allow voting on those problems for their importance. We use that information to inform decisions about what to work on so I encourage all Clojure users to express their needs there!
> Clojurescript has left Core. Is Nubank likely to want to get involved here?
Cognitect was, and Nubank now is, the primary sponsor for ClojureScript (funding both David Nolen and Mike Fikes).
Things I'd ask:
- What are the new resources (for Clojure? or just Datomic?), how are they being used? Does Nubank have opinions / direction on these resources.
- Has an open sourced Datomic been discussed? It wouldn't seem to be strategic for Nubank and could be a big boost to the Clojure ecosystem. I'd read every line..
- Who owns the Clojure trademarks and IP going forward. Any talk of a Clojure Foundation?
- Alex Miller does an awesome job but boy he has a lot to cover. It suits Rich to have a small team of trustees for core (though boy its got small) but the community stuff could surely be advanced quicker. Old tickets in contrib and key libs etc..
- There was talk a few years ago of facilitating community involvement with a PEP type process, Any further thoughts?
- Clojurescript has left Core. Is Nubank likely to want to get involved here?
I have no right to these answers, some may be commercially sensitive and of course Clojure doesn't belong to me. However there is no harm in asking when answers to the questions are important to me in my future uses of Clojure. Indeed I think it would be superior - in terms of Clojure's continued acceptance into industry - to know more of it's future direction than has traditionally been the case. Hopefully Nubank provides the confidence needed for this to happen.