Entire classes of diseases may become history. Creutzfeldt-Jakob and other prion diseases can now be completely understood. Precision targeting of cancerous cells will become trivial (in theory). Minimal life projects (simplest cell possible) will require less trial and error. In general, it will provide a magnitude level improvement to biotechnology, akin to moving from Aristotelian physics to Newtonian.
Some possibilities: artificial muscles for robots, man-made blood substitutes, designer enzymes to break down plastic and other compounds. Software defined biology, where the pipeline from DNA code to actual protein can now be modeled in silico ahead of time. The biology classes of the future may be less observation of animals and more training in usage of whatever the equivalent of Autodesk for biology will be. Healthcare economics in developing nations will be changed as biochemistry itself may finally become deterministic (to some extent). Orphan drug development price would drop (and if you take into account right to try laws and ignore ethics in favor of progress, then people with rare disease may be cured en masse without bankrupting the health insurance company).
Some possibilities: artificial muscles for robots, man-made blood substitutes, designer enzymes to break down plastic and other compounds. Software defined biology, where the pipeline from DNA code to actual protein can now be modeled in silico ahead of time. The biology classes of the future may be less observation of animals and more training in usage of whatever the equivalent of Autodesk for biology will be. Healthcare economics in developing nations will be changed as biochemistry itself may finally become deterministic (to some extent). Orphan drug development price would drop (and if you take into account right to try laws and ignore ethics in favor of progress, then people with rare disease may be cured en masse without bankrupting the health insurance company).