Java - all you have to do is mvn install clean build -> Maven is amazing at dependency management. Same in JS - npm install and npm start works like a charm.
what about version management when conflict happens in dependencies that are installed vs needed. Admit Python is a big mess. That is why people recommend installing within another weird software called conda environment vs directly.
Corner case, and a tad overblown from an "academic" perspective if you ask me - I've been doing day job (and after-hours hobby with ML/CV) development in python for the last 15 years and had that issue maybe 2-3 times.
On the other hand, with my very limited exposure to my team's JS/TS FE components, I've almost each time encountered issues with the supposedly easy "npm install" command. Broken NPM installs, cryptic error messages (ok get this one on Python too tbf), lingering version lock files, global vs local package issues, broken nodejs installs, node_modules being committed, node_modules being un-deletable, etc. Anecdotally, I'd say my experience on Python packaging and management has been worlds-better than for other languages.
Python has it's issues sure, but from my point of view, packaging is not a big one in comparison to other langs.